Thursday, November 8, 2012

Adventures on road

It wasn’t long back that she took the decision to learn how to drive.And after a day she found herself in the nearby motor driving school having registered herself for the morning 6:30 driving classes. The adventure has begun she thought.So she woke up next day all excited about the fun waiting for her and reached the pickup point sharp 6:30 AM. After a millennia she was seeing the morning sun and the cool breeze and birds chirping, so it all seemed to be quite lovely. And then came her teacher/trainer with a Wagon-R mounted with a board bearing the name of the training school in bold.

Well that was the start of an adventure story. Each day it became more hilarious for her and more unbearable for her instructor who had to bear with a girl with such poor motor skills and on top of it she laughed so often, he wondered if she’s nuts. :D

The first shock came to her when the instructor told her, take the driver seat on the first day. She was in impression he will tell more about what a car is made up of..Yeah she was that dumb! She hesitantly asked him, Are you sure,I should sit here? Don’t you think you should tell me where is everything inside this machine. Though skeptical,it sounded fun to her, everything challenging is fun afterall. So she sat and the driver started with ABC. Aceelerator,Brake,Clutch. Oh that’s simple she thought. Only the myth to be broken in another 5 minutes.

There she released the clutch slowly and the car paced forward. There the thing was running, oh its so easy she was thinking ,just move steering a little bit here and there, and oh it’s so simple. I wonder why they have 15 days classes, I will be done in a week,she was thinking and there came a cut. Instructor told to take a turn and there she was. The machine seemed to be moving in a direction on its own. There she was moving the steering where she should but why the hell is it going right instead of left. Then she noticed her first bug in her directional skills. She can only move straight. :D

Only at the 5th day she got hold of her directions but her crazy instructor had come up with another test.There they were on a straight neat,clean(meaning no person or cows  or dogs for the matter) road.And the guruji says…shishya you see those trees ,take the car between them and pull it out to the road again.Her eyes bulged out.She gave him a look are you serious?And he nodded. She took inspiration from arjun and tried to hit the fish’s eye and bang the car was right in middle of the two trees and she started to turn and suddenly the engine went silent.It got stopped.She wondered what went wrong while the guru and shishya were stuck between the trees laughing ,mocking at them . The savior guruji took it out and taught her life rescue skill.

And so after numerous such lessons she completed her driving lessons courtesy her amazing guruji. Still afraid to go for a test ,fearing she will definitely flunk the driving test and no one will ever issue her a license.Praying for her and wishing her luck for her driving test! Amen!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sheila ki jawani

She is Sheila.She wakes up early morning at 5 daily and cleans the house.At one time she has lived in that small house with 8 other siblings.Its shabby and has a thatched roof which leaks occasionally in rainy season. Sheila has seen 10 winters of her life till now and she is happy.

She has small dreams and desires.Whenever she sees girls dressed up in uniforms with books in their hand and all adorned with red ribbons she feels like to be same.The world is flat for Sheila as she never got a chance to go to school and learn that earth is actually round.She still ponders over why the sky is blue and why night falls and how morning sun daily rises to end the dark night.She doesn’t knows she lives in India ,she only knows that she belongs to this slum “Gehrao”which has been the only place she has ever seen in her life.

She has 2 younger brothers who go to the nearby govt school and they have a uniform too.She has 6 elder sisters which are all now married.Her elder sister Munni was married at the age of 13 two years back.Her Mom keeps telling her that she should start learning household chores because now soon she will be married.She should be ready to serve her husband.Cook for him,clean his house,his clothes.

This is the reality of many more sheila’s in our country India still.However educated or well placed we are,we are still a part of this country where Sheila is living such a life.We know her but we can only talk about it,criticize politics,people and society and forget it at end of day.But we can never change her world.Can we?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Raat akeli hai

It was a dark stormy night,the winds blew so hard that trees rocked and windows and doors knocked from every nook and corner of the house.But she was sitting in her drawing room,on her favourite chair with a book as still as a statue,lost in her own world.As if the storm outside doesn’t exists at all.As if life was as still as a rock.Jimmy her beloved pet was running around the house barking aloud till an hour ago.But finally he too sat beside her silent and blissfully asleep in a few minutes.They were unaware of that violent storm rocking the terrain.She has faced storms much bigger than this in her life and GOD has it dittered her anyway!!!She was a strong and determined person.

The howling sound of the wind outside created a errie,creepy atmosphere,a ghostly smell haunted the houses that day.Suddenly there was a knock on the door.She wasn’t expecting anyone and was surprised and thought it may be the wind.But the door knocked again and then yet again and again and again….She deserted her comfy occupancy and headed toward the door.She opened the gate and there was a stranger.A young man of around 24,he was rather good looking,had jet black hair neatly combed and a nice hairstyle..He wore a black informal jacket over a cream shirt and jeans and had a muffler around his neck.

The stranger mumbled : ‘Hi! I am Satvik’.I was travelling and got stuck in the storm,this was the only house I got to see in the long way.Can you kindly provide me shelter for tonight or till the storm calms down?

Old lady(She): Young man,it’s not good to travel in such weather,many people have lost their lives,jawani ka josh!!!Uff…Aajkal ke bache…(Young blood!!!Today’s children…)

Come on in…

Satvik: Thank you amma.Can I call you amma?

She: (smile ran through her wrinkled face): Sure my dear…So where are you from and what were you doing travelling in such weather.Didn’t you listen to the news,its going to get worse..

Satvik: Had some urgent business trip nearby.I thought I will be able to make it in time but it got delayed and I got stuck.Anyways,its weird you stay in such a deserted place all alone.Aren’t you afraid?

She: ha ha ha(that laugh made a shiver run through Satvik’s body) It was a shriek,horrendous laugh …

The biggest fear for a human is another human.I like it here.I have been here since long.Very long.

Satvik: How long have you been here amma?

She: 250 years…and her eyes started glowing, a red light emanated from them and she laughed that horrendous laugh yet again….

Satvik(surroundings getting dizzy) (the horrendous laugh echoing)

He fainted :D

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Zip it up!

I opened the google page and found this image once:

Yes it was the 132nd birthday of the inventor of zip Gideon Sundback’s.How important this small little invention is I wonder.It made its entry as a google page right.So I was just stipulating how non trivial this seemingly petty thing actually is.

Imagine a world without zips.he he he. What can be the alternatives huh? Buttons…Imagine buttoning it up instead of zipping it up! ;) :D Quite tedious a task it will be :D

We have zips in our pants,purses,bags,jackets.How would life be without zips?What great difference it will make.Until it wasn’t there we managed and did well right?We can design bags without zips,pants and purses without them.It is an invention which might be small but has made our lives much easier.

I wonder if there can be a zip which can bring together people,irrespective of their race,caste and religion.Oh,the philo me is trying to take over.Keeping it aside,on another thought,what strikes my mind is : the 1700-1800’s were filled with inventions.Whatever comforts we are enjoying today are the results of those inventions by our ancestors or forefathers,whether it was the bicyle,car,telephone,airplanes.Now we have become so busy in enjoying those comforts that the zeal of inventing seems to have had a setback.Whatever new inventions are there it’s in computers and we are doing remarkably well in medicines.But what about other such small inventions which though seem trivial will affect human life in great ways.We have become a sluggish,lazy race of people and are not utilizing our intriguing human minds to invent and discover the way our forefathers did.The C.V.Raman’s and Hargobind Khurana’s have stopped being manufactured now?No they aren’t but it just that they are not willing to go that extra mile and discopver their true potentials because we are living much comfortable life as compared to our ancestors owing to the flood of inventions and discoveries in a particular period.

So whenever you zip it up,remember that we also have the potential which can be known if we harness ourselves and discover ourselves .I know most of us would like to just enjoy life and its comforts and leave the task to the few crazy people out there(me too!). It’s such an addiction to let go after being brought up the way we have been.

I feel delighted now after spilling over my random and varying thoughts.Adios!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

There is no sugar in my coffee

Dear GOD,

Thank you for blessing me with whatever I have today and most importantly life.You provided me with everything ,but you know what “You forgot to put sugar in my coffee(life)”.Hell yeah,you did,just double check and you will find how tasteless,bitter and sugarless my coffee has turned out to be.You may be omnipotent,omnisicient and omnipresent but you failed to be a good creator(chef) and a good manager despite these qualities.

Yes,I can very well say so while sipping this tasteless and sugarless coffee,and hey you know what I am not even having diabetes so please don’t say that you did it knowingly to save me.And yes,please save the so called lesson that I need to have the tasteless coffee to know how a tasty and sugary coffee tastes likes.As you can see,’I already know this’. I know the fact how a coffee without sugar tastes hence I complaint about my coffee missing the sugar.I think you are smart enough to understand that.

Often I will find myself bemused with situations as such.And then your disciples will start the chant of ‘Whatever happens it’s for good’.And then with the blessed mind of a mere human with no ‘superpowers’ we try to reason ourselves and finally convince ourselves that yes that was the best thing that could have happened though it may have been the worst of all.We use our only superpower ‘the human mind’ in trying to justify your existence and proving that whatever calamity may befall you will thwart it off our lives.And if we are still suffering then it’s for my own good.

Well I hereby declare my prudent belief about you,’”You are nothing but a manifestation of the human mind itself”.We pray to you but in doing so we are trying to make ourselves stronger to face our day to day and not so day to day problems.As a generous being we credit you for all the ‘good’ things that happen and thank you and ‘bad’ things are because of our previous ‘karmas’ of which I am not aware of nor will ever be able to acknowledge the same.So my dear imaginary friend thank you for the coffee without the sugar.

At least I have the coffee and I am still wondering why do I have it?The only thing I can do is sip it and enjoy. My coffee is not having any sugar,and I don’t like it that way.Now I am going to put some sugar on my own as I always do and you can enjoy yourself being an eternal invisible spectator who is rumored to be running a puppet show here.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

The curious case of Indian Woman

We are living in a globalised world.India as a country is unique in itself because of the cultures and values which are impregnated in each individual since their birth.The way we perceive the world.That’s why each country,region and religion is different from the other.India being a multicultural country still manages to generate the tag of “Indian Woman” for every women who is born here whether she is hindu,muslim,sikh,christian.All are typical Indian women.We are different from the other women in the world.
So what are the essential requirements for being a typical Indian women.As far as I can conjure the list goes as this:
1)Being tolerant to high level of abuse (emotional and physical).
2)Should never form an opinion on her own about anything.She will always be “guided” or “explained” that this is not correct and you are misjudging and this is how “things work in India”.
3)She should be independent for the sake she can be married off well not because for the sake of being morally and ethically independent.Independence for her is just a mirage.A term which can never be fully materialized.
4)She lets herself be governed by her man who is her everything and she is nothing without him.She cannot exist or survive if a man isn’t with her and tagged her as his wife with acceptance from the society and family ofcourse.
5)She needs to put on mangalsutra and sindoor to send a message to all those predators out there,that I am married now.Though the Indian male doesn’t needs to flaunt his marital status in any manner.
6)She should give birth to essentially a boy who can carry ahead the name of the family and let herself go through a series of sex determination tests and abortions.Being a woman herself she should encourage female foeticide.
7)She should be completely household even if she is working 10 hours a day in some MNC and should wash everbody’s clothes ,clean their litter and prepare delicious sumptuous meals.If she can’t keep a balance between the two and fails to appease anyone in the house specially her inlaws then she isn’t brought up well.
8)She should at all times keep silent to whatever she is being said,right or wrong.If she opens her mouth or utters anything against anyone then she is ill mannered and she is rebellious and will be taught proper lesson by emotional or physical abuse.
9) She should always be draped from head to toe so that the weak morality Indian males don’t harm them in any manner and their ghar ki “izzat” is safe.The same men drool and fantasize over half naked women in Indian movies and when the women in their home wear anything even a “bit modern” being inspired from  the same movie then it’s a taboo.Such hypocrites they are.They will showcase them as “items” in movie and would “desire” none less than those girls in movies but if a girl really wears anything near to that she is tagged “slutty” and “moral less” and stared at and molested saying it’s her fault she wore something which tempted me.
Isn’t it high time enough that women come out of this Indian”ness” and be just women.Free and independent who can take their own decisions.Speak against injustice done to them.
But our Indian men want the Indian woman to remain an Indian woman.Is it their fear of what will happen if they won’t have control over them and they can’t dominate them anymore.Its a male driven society afterall.Are they cowards or coverts?When will Indian women get liberated from the “Indian-ness”?
@All Indian women: Feel free to add what other criteria’s deem fit for being an Indian woman.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Conditions apply

Everything has a price plus conditions applied. :D Many things which we find tempting, often or surely has a very small but almost invisible to careless eyes, a conditions applied tag.Friends,family,foe all have certain conditions applied and it’s hard to find an exception.Somebody rightly said there is no such thing as free lunch.As they say ” There is always a cost to the person or to society as a whole even though that cost may be hidden or distributed” .

Anybody who is there with you is there because you are fulfilling their interest in some or other manner knowingly or unknowingly.Well,that is a bitter and harsh truth to accept.Enough of lecture eh?

I used to be an avid believer of unconditional love and blah blah,living in a fantasy world of my own,in a glass shell which was soon broken,and for good. :D I was just thinking over what are the conditions I apply to my friends,family and foe to let them be a part of my life and be with them.

So the list goes as:

1) As Salman says “Being Human”. :P Its easier to be with anyone who believes and practices humanity at certain level compatible to mine. ;)

2) A good listener.Myself being the person I am,at times I will just start speaking and not stop only till I get exhausted enough. :D I can be a torture at times…Lioness knows better ;) he he he..You have always been a good listener sweety. :P

3) A good speaker.Many a times I just prefer being a listener and don’t want to say much but just listen.I can always give my opinion if asked for in between else you can just keep on saying :P I would love to hear.Lioness you have this quality too…You are an all rounder! ;) :P

4) Honesty is the best policy as they say.Whatever it is just say it good or bad but be honest.

5) Well for my foes: All smokers …yikesss… and people who try to act extra smart.

Right now this is what I can conjure with my diluted mind.I also know people for whom conditions applied has money,power,beauty included in the list and those people too are off my conditions applied.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Abusive relationships- an addiction?

Love is life.Love is everything and blah blah blah.But recently I have seen people living a hell and bearing physical and emotional abuse from the person they love.I wonder if the other person (the partner) also loves them the same way?

I have this very close friend of mine who fell into a relationship in Class 8.I know she didn’t even know what it’s all about when she got into it.Now its 12 years and she still cries daily and gets beaten up by her so called boyfriend/would be/love.Every other day she will come back with bruises on her body.Sometimes it will be all purple-black-blue,she will have to wear full sleeves in summer to hide them.But still she continues to be in the same relationship thinking that one day things will improve and is even going to marry that guy.I wonder if it’s her love or her addiction for the relationship which have been going on since so long that she is afraid of losing him?We argued and discussed over it many a times but she finds herself incapable of letting go of such a long relationship and is ready to bear the same abuse her whole life by marrying him.Is that really love?

Then I have this other friend who is verbally abused by her boyfriend,you look crap,you cheat on me,don’t talk to X/Y,just talk to me.Why often lovers want the other person to make them the center of their life and their whole life should revolve around them?Isn’t love is letting the other person be what they are and making them realize and fathom their hidden potentials.To let them just be and encourage them whenever they feel let down.Love isn’t dominating the other person but loving them for what they are.Still that friend she is suffering in that relationship.She never cheats on him but has to hear things like you don’t have a character only because she is friendly and talks nicely to everyone?She gave up all her friends and social life for the guy only to be abused more.

Love is blind but is it that blind?This isn’t love.There are so many things to say and so many more examples loitering in my mind but this ain’t going to help anyone.Until the person on the receiving end realizes that such a love is never worth the pain they are bearing.This isn’t love but perhaps and certainly just addiction.A fear and incapability of not letting go.

There are so many of us living such relationships and its really common but nobody talks about it,everbody keeps a mum just on the name of love.Ah Love! I don’t agree.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


She laid there on the floor lifeless,breathless,as morbid as the hard and cold tiles.The room was shrieking with eerie silence.Her tears washed the floor and her numb body felt one with it,she wanted to be as dead as the floor.When her eyes closed and tears dried,she didn’t know.She heard someone calling her….she tried to open her eyes and saw him.He came and shook her,but her body failed to react,she couldn’t move,couldn’t budge a bit.He didn’t give up.

He: It is our final goodbye and I won’t let you ruin it.

She: (in a shock and couldn’t speak)

He: Get up,you have a flight to catch.

She flew back but something was left behind or perhaps much.

All her hopes,dreams,desires crumpled down.Sand castles in air….gone with the wind.She tried to come back to reality.But an image haunted her continuously.His smiling face,oh she loved that smile.Flashbacks of the days they were together and happy tortured her,he is hugging her,carrying her around on his back,kissing her foot while she is reading.She wakes up in morning only to find empty bed.She again lost herself to past.Another morning of her life :she wakes up and looks at him,he is snoring and sleeping soundly,she smiles,gives him a kiss on cheek and tries to get up only to be pulled and cuddled,he loves morning cuddling.

She: Let me go.Its already 8.And you too get up.

He: (Looks into her eyes and hugs her even more tightly.)

She: We will get late,we have an appointment today…

He: ( Kissing all over her face and giving that wicked smile)

She: (Struggling to get up) Leave me,get up.

But she is silenced by his continuous kisses all over her.She gives up and secures herself in his arms and tries to sleep.

He: I Love You.

She: I know.I Love you too.Now let me sleep :D and she gave that naughty smile.

She again comes back to present.There is a mourning calmness all around.All the noises around seemed to be nonexistent, a part of different world.She is not a part of that world anymore.She doesn’t belongs here.She is living among strangers in a strange world.A world of her known but distant people,distant at miles in heart.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Yeh saali zindagi

Life's mystic,sometimes devilish,often angelic...But kai baar life bahut kutti hoti hai :P :D Yeh saali zindagi....
What we want,what happens and what will happen...They are three mutually independent events...Sometimes it feels like its a game of cricket ;) We are the becahara/bechari ball....GOD is the batsmen constantly hitting and our friends are the fielders trying to protect us from getting knocked out of stadium.he he he...And who's the bowler???eh???I would say the society,the world is the bowler :D What say? :P The society keeps throwing us with varying speed just to get us hit bad :D

What's most important thing in life...I was in notion the most important component is love.But lately I have realized that life itself is of utmost importance.I don't know about afterlife or next life but I can see and feel this life I am living right now then why shouldn't I have a ball while I am here? :D

Childhood,college,love,pain,marriage,getting old and then finally a full stop to the movie.It seems like one big movie too sometimes and GOD is the producer,director and writer :P Often when I think about my life it feels like watching a movie...And each time I see it I discover something new,I learn and I understand something I never knew before or fathom before.HE is equivalent to a combination of Steven Spielberg,Woody Allen and Alfred Hithcock. :D Oh I am such a big fan of him you know ;)

Whatever life is one thing is for sure...Life is complicated....It's my life but I don't have right to live it the way I want...Because I have expectations from my family,my dear ones and often our interests can be conflicting.Is my only job is always to appease everyone and if I take any action towards my happiness then I am blamed selfish.But don't I have the right to be selfish at times?This reminded me of my previous blog,Sabi dear forgive me for mentioning that one ;) he he he

We make compromises,we cry,we laugh and then in the end we remember nothing when we finally close our eyes.But just leave behind a question...Was it worth living? How many people we have hurt and how many smiles we brought...What we have given to life? To the world around me, apart from  just fretting and caring over my own petty issues throughout.

Well whatever and however it is I am luvin' it :D

Friday, March 2, 2012

Baby's day out

Its been a day and a half since I landed here.But as they say time flies by.I didn't even realise and the time simply flew.Its been quite hectic and I haven't got time to breathe enough (its a blunt lie ;) he he he...Truly speaking an hour after I landed I was shopping whole heartedly :P Forget the jet lag and the redness in my eyes who were begging for sleep but I was excited exploring the new place.Today morning was really calm and nice.I woke at 6  am,prepared tea,went for a morning walk and even prepared my lunch and breakfast.GOD is it me?My father would be the happiest man on earth today.Really wish he could see me doing these miraculous tasks.he he he....The lazy me waking up early morning...As a matter of fact even I couldn't believe it was me ;) Then office and meetings and the day just passed by.I bought new shoes on my first day here....I should rather say boots...I am so proud of myself ...he he he...Signing off now for the day....Have been missing blogs and everbody back home is busy sleeping and snoring so here I am blabbering to myself :P Adios!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The thing called cold

The weather in Delhi as unpredictable as it is and cherry on cake a person as careless as me result in the deadly combination of cold and cough.So here I am bearing fever due to most common ailment in world common cold.The cold virus was generous enough and I ended up with a very bad sore throat sounding like “Rani Mukherjee” mostly all the time and at others “Usha Utthup’.

The work on weekend aggravated the condition and I ended up coughing like those heroes about to die due to TB in the 1970’s movies.But I noticed something in this crucial and life threatening situation which brought a smile on my face.Each time I cough immediately some other person in ODC will cough(another victim of cold).It becomes a series of coughs,some other person after this and in a span of about a minute everybody silent.Till after a span of 15-20 minutes or bigger span someone breaks the silence and another series of coughing ensues.The cycle repeats each time I cough and I being the person I am couldn’t help but laugh at it.It was amusing enough to move my brain waves a bit higher and make me write this post.

There is certainly some relationship between all the coughees(as I would like to call these special victims of cold).My heart sings “Tera mujhse hai pehle ka naata koi “.I am grateful to the inventors of Vicks(khich khich door bhagaye) who have helped in increasing the period gap between these cycles of cough sessions.And extra thankful for the various flavors they are available in.My taste buds are savoring the Asli Ginger and Menthol flavors alternately and keeping my throat alive however hoarse it may sound but its alive and croaking.Not dead!

Signing off as UAT is going on!And this small post describing my tough times or I should rather say my ramblings have amused me to an extent as such that I feel like working again! :D

O Holy spirit please bless thy throat and help it soothe….Amen!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Life - A desire or an obligation

What is life all about? Is it just about playing,studying,start earning and then get married and bring the next generation to this earth and take care of them and perish one day.Is this what it is?

I used to think life is much more than this.Every misery,every happiness,every occasion has a meaning to it.We need to live there for each other and support our friends,neighbors even help our enemies in case of need and be happy and peaceful.Live and let others live.But what I see around is people have thousands of their own problem at home and they end up gossiping about othr people’s lives,their dress,their appearance.Come on!!!Is this what we are???I have seen that every misery is a misery and it doesn’t makes your life better in anyways…I have seen most of things in life and sometimes I really don’t wish to be here.To be a part of this world.Where people are busy thinking about how to hurt others.Where jealousy and politics have withered relations.Where people talk to other people only to derive some benefit out of it.Not because they are humans and they should be friends.

Its not like everybody is like this.But most people are like that.But sometimes I do feel like that however and whatever it is.I have got a chance to live my life my way..And I should do it my way in spite of how others live their lives..How they are and how much ever they try to hurl you down in life.Make u feel horrible as ever.U have to fight against it all,discover who are your true friends and your true potential and live it as a king.But then this thought also comes that if I know life is going to be like dis and such things will happen and I will do dis or that to encounter it.And I don’t want to have such experiences then what..What if I do not want this life.But I cannot put an end to it.

Is it about losing your desire to live and be happy.But I am happy most of the times.But I think too much.But I can’t put rest to my mind.Really confused.

P.S.: These thoughts are stale now,was a sudden rush of emotions at one time long back.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Prison Break

It was an ordinary day but special for 4 people.4 people who were going to escape from the prison today.Who were going to live there life today amidst the hustle and bustle of the roaring crowd outside the building ,fenced with electric wires around the whole perimeter.

They have been planning for this day since weeks.One day when they will not be bound in secured walls.Rather they will be enjoying the pleasure of the real world outside.Today was the day to their salvation after a long wait.Lets name the prisoned fishes be AM,FN,SK and SS.

AM was skeptical about it,she had her fears that we won’t make it.That we will be caught.But SK and SS were adamant for their freedom and ready to pay any price.FN was an oblivious creature who was OK with everything that came along and if it’s fun,she is always in :P

If everything worked right they were to be free birds anytime between 5.00-5.30 PM.They weren’t escaping in broad daylight.Neither were they escaping in dark.But at the time when sun has decided to take rest and starts its journey back home,creating a charming orange-red pattern in the sky.

AM updated at 2.00 PM.I think it’s not going to work out.I can’t do it.It took lots of efforts by SK to convert the fearful chicken into fearless rooster ;) All was set AM,SK and SS gathered at their meeting place,the cafeteria.But FN was nowhere in picture.Any attempts to reach her were in vain.The clock struck 5.15 PM.It was now or never.They had to go.They tried one last time to reach FN but no response.

AM,SK and SS started off half heartedly without their beloved FN with them.They reached T1 tower nearest to the exit gate and swiped out.Then went out the security gate and bounds of the building where they spend 9.30 hrs and more banging their heads on the screen and fingers on the keyboard.Tired of the long and continuous meetings and ever demanding client and manager.They have been imprisoned in the confines of the office building.AM received a call just at the gate.Manager(HK) calling….Their heartbeats increased.Are they caught??AM pickep up the call and SK and SS hushed their voices.

HK: Take care of your health.Hope to see you early tomorrow in office.The work is to be finished anyhow.

AM: Sure HK.I will finish off the task tomorrow morning but right now my severe headache is taking the toll out of me.

HK:Bye tc.

They all had a sigh of relief.SK escaped saying “Personal emergency,got to go early”

SS: “Working in shift again from 11 PM today”

They had finally broken out of the prison.They were free bird!!!A moment of ecstacy drenched their soul.They had made it.No more issues for today,no more meetings and calls,its just us,our time.They snapped back to reality for the run was useless still.They had to move on.

They saw an auto and stopped it.”Bhaiya,xxxx chaloge kya?We are 4 people need to go to yyyy mall”.

Suddenly SK’s phone sang aloud “Just gonna stand there and watch me burn”

It was FN calling…

SK picked up.

FN: Manager was giving me some tech lessons.Thanks for in total 30 missed calls in last half an hour,he understood something urgent is there and asked me take off if I need to.

SS and AM patted each other on back for the task. They can see FN coming through the gate.She was walking as slow as tortoise.It was irking the nerves of the 3 escapees.

FN finally reached them and they took off for meeting their prince charming.They have been planning for this joint date since so many weeks.Finally they will see ‘Hrithik Roshan’.They have heard he is looking damn sexy in his latest flick ‘ZNMD’ and they didn’t want to miss out the oppurtunity to adore him onscreen.

After effects:

They drooled over him and were mesmerized by his charm.Their salvation achieved.:D

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I have a right to be selfish sometimes

It’s rightly said you can’t keep everyone happy all the time…But why the hell should I?Ain’t I have a responsibility towards my happiness also?What are friends for?For sharing your joy and your sorrow and you share their’s? Right?But then at times they start expecting a lot from you ,well it’s their right but everyone becomes concerned of their own they forget about the person at the other end.The so called friend.How he/she might feel about it?Sometimes you are being taken for granted by your friends,ain’t you?As you have always been there that you will be there but can’t you really not be there just for once because you were too busy with your own problems and life?But then the whole hell breaks loose at the other end and you are being accused of being bad,selfish blah blah blah….So don’t I have a right to be selfish at times?To be busy with my own problems and life?To just forget about everyone else for a timebeing?Sometimes you just need a break…Sometimes you just need to be selfish…Sometimes you just need to give priority to yourself first and then to anyone else.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I was having a conversation with someone wise and suddenly this question popped up in my mind.What exactly are my rights being an individual? Can I live life as I want to?We all belong to some country and our freedom is mostly curbed except some.For example here in India we have 6 fundamental rights namely:

1. Right to Equality

2. Right to Particular Freedom

3. Cultural and Educational Rights

4. Right to Freedom of Religion

5. Right Against Exploitation and

6. Right to Constitutional Remedies

But do we actually enjoy these rights or I should better frame it as do we actually have these rights in practice?

A country which is so much governed by regionalism/religion/castism where is the right to equality I wonder?

Right to particular freedom implying:

1)Freedom of speech and expression: I question, really do we have this right??

2)To assemble peaceably and without arms: Oh what happened in Baba RamDev’s ashram is known to all!!!

3)To form associations or unions:Ahem ahem

4)To move freely throughout the territory of India: Yes,an example being Non Maharashtrians being pulled out of there,illtreated,telangana example is no less.

5)To reside and settle in any part of the territory of India: Again I would quote the same examples

6)To practise any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business : I agree to this one being practiced at greater levels than any other right.Example our politicians,they carry out the profession of being goons + politician.White clothes and black together,shades of grey I say

As for rest of the rights needless to brag but yes we have cultural and educational rights with still large population being deprived of elementary education and people being treated based on their culture and caste/creed.

We have a right against exploitation.We always manage to increase our patience level to be exploited more each day.

And last but not the least right to constitutional remedies which is being framed by govt for its own benefits and manipulated accordingly.People die and cases go on for zillion of years and the descendants fight to get justice finally to have witnessed none.

I am enjoying my rights…Do you???

Monday, January 30, 2012

Life and love

Shweta she was as her name was “white” and “pure”.She had soft features and was charming.She was sitting by the window in her white salwar kameez,and the wind was gently ruffling her jet black and silky hair.She seemed like a princess lost in thoughts.Ashok stood there mesmerized by her beauty.Watching her doing nothing.

Suddenly Kamla came and Shweta looked around and was startled to see Ashok standing at the end of the room.

Kamla: Didi,aaj ka kaam khatam,main jaa ri hu.

Shweta: Ok.

And then she fixed her hypnotizing gaze towards Ashok.The poor creature couldn’t escape this trauma of being pierced by those pair of beautiful eyes.He just stood there numb.Finally Shweta broke the awkward silence lingering in air.

Shweta: So Ashok,what makes you visit me at this hour?Any new updates?

Ashok:Shweta I have a good news for you.Dr Alex visited the center today and he told that a new technology is up for testing.They need a few volunteers and I thought of you.That is what has brought me here today.

Shweta: Her face gleamed.Wow Ashok that’s a great news.Definitely I am in.Thank you Ashok for considering me.

That’s what enchanted Ashok more than her beauty,her enthusiasm,hope and optimism towards life.

He still remembers the day Shweta was admitted in the hospital.He was in night shift that day and in charge of her life that gruesome night.It was raining heavily that day and plenty of accidents were reported.One of a small headline on the page of “News Today” page number 7 was :

“Car crash on Delhi-Rohtak road,2 injured 3 dead on spot”

That night the rain washed away the memories to be for Shweta with her family members.Her Mom,Dad and Sister died on spot.Herself and her brother were rescued and their heartbeats survived the catastrophe.But she never cursed GOD,fate or destiny.She was one strong woman to be after all.She survived only for her left leg to be amputated and her family swept away from her.

She was left with Nitin her elder brother who helped her heal her wounds and determination to walk again,work again.

After the accident Harsh,her love also abandoned her as she couldn’t run anymore,she couldn’t dance anymore,she couldn’t walk with him hand in hand over the grass barefoot anymore.

Harsh leaving her crippled her in real than the amputation.But Nitin revived the family business and gave strength to her.She started walking again with the help of “Jaipur foot”.She beared enormous pain but she was not the one to accept defeat from life and destiny like this and sit and brood,be in tears always,that’s not her.That’s not how her parents bought her up.

Suddenly Shweta’s voice brought him back to present from past.

Shweta: Ashok,when shall I visit the hospital for tests and trial?

Ashok: This Thursday Shweta.Dr Alex will ask you few questions and examine you too.I have had a glimpse of this new technology.This new foot is much more flexible and pains less.You can walk better and you can even give a shot to dancing if you want

Shweta:That would be great Ashok.I am really excited to try this one out.

Ashok came near her and kissed her forehead.Sure dear,it will do wonders for us.I am sure.My princess I love you for not giving up.

Then they entwined their hands in each other and thought of the day when they married each other few months back.They looked into each other’s eyes and smiled. Shweta found true love in Ashok and her life took one more nice turn because she didn’t give up. Ashok feels lucky to have her in his life.

P.S.:Life’s as you make it.No matter whatever be the difficulties you ought to be determined and not give up or break down.Good times are sure around the corner.As they say “GOD helps only those who help themselves.”

Friday, January 6, 2012

The forbidden mango

It was summer season.The schools closed,the roads vacant and the hot gust of wind blowing the sand off the dusty burning roads.Hardly a soul can be found outside.Everybody shyed away in their homes,children playing in tree houses and others went to cooler places on vacation.This was the locality of Shyamnagar. A small town with handful of people where almost everybody knew the other.

Mukul was doing his holiday homework.Loads of homework during summer vacation annoyed him and Rashmi too,his mother,because she had to spend ample time to make Mukul do it and organize it.After all he was only 8.Whole day she will be busy in household chores,Mukul would be running around the house and their garden.They had a big garden.The thing which fascinated Mukul most was the old Mango tree in their garden.He had been seeing it since he was a child.Rashmi told him,it was planted by his great great grandfather and has been there since then.It was the attraction of summer season.Not because of the mangoes but because of the swing on that.Every year his cousins will come to their home in summer,Raghu,Mugdha and Vineet.Mukul would proudly flaunt the great swing on the great mango tree and all will beg him to let them take a chance to have a swing .

But one thing which always intrigued Mukul was none of them were allowed to have the mangoes from the tree.Every year all the mangoes on the tree were collected by his grandfather and father and they disappeared the next day.No one was allowed to taste even a single mango,oh they looked delicious.Many a times,the kids tried to commit the sin of having the forbidden fruit but were always caught.Mukul was planning this year he will eat the mango,no matter what.

Next day his cousins will be coming,he wanted to boast and show he had done the impossible by eating the mango from the tree.Mukul planned to sneak at night and have one of the mangoes.That night when everybody slept Mukul creeped out to the garden.Stealthily he picked up one of the mangoes from the lowest branch of the tree,which was already heavy with the ripened fruits and was almost touching the ground.

He stared at it for a moment ,he did it,he looked around,no one was there to stop him.Everybody was snoring loudly in the summer night.He peeled it and had a bite.Suddenly everything around started revolving.He started feeling dizzy.And then everything went stark dark.

Mukul slowly opened his eyes.It was morning now.He hurriedly went inside the home.He rushed to his room,but wait, the house looked diferent.It was same but different,something peculiar was about it.

He went towards his room,the color on walls had changed from yellow to green.Weird,he thought.He opened the door and was shocked on what he saw next.In the mirror in front of him,he saw a big guy around 23 years standing,holding the door knob,same place where he was standing.It was him,it cannot be anybody else.He went closer to the mirror and touched his face and stared amazingly at the mirror.It was him,all grown up.What happened?Is it a dream,he pinched himself hard.But nothing changed.He was frightened and confused now.What happened to him?Where was he?Is he in future?Is he really dreaming???

Answer to all these questions are:Do not eat the forbidden fruit ever.Listen to GOD ,parents are like GOD so listen to them ha ha ha…