Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I have a right to be selfish sometimes

It’s rightly said you can’t keep everyone happy all the time…But why the hell should I?Ain’t I have a responsibility towards my happiness also?What are friends for?For sharing your joy and your sorrow and you share their’s? Right?But then at times they start expecting a lot from you ,well it’s their right but everyone becomes concerned of their own they forget about the person at the other end.The so called friend.How he/she might feel about it?Sometimes you are being taken for granted by your friends,ain’t you?As you have always been there that you will be there but can’t you really not be there just for once because you were too busy with your own problems and life?But then the whole hell breaks loose at the other end and you are being accused of being bad,selfish blah blah blah….So don’t I have a right to be selfish at times?To be busy with my own problems and life?To just forget about everyone else for a timebeing?Sometimes you just need a break…Sometimes you just need to be selfish…Sometimes you just need to give priority to yourself first and then to anyone else.

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