Monday, July 4, 2011

Time machine

There have been moments when I have thought “Garsh!!I would have had a time machine and I can go and change some things”.But if you ask me now I wouldn’t want to change many things(few things are always an exception ;).I would like to go back and be a child again.I would love to relive my innocent childhood once more.
I would do anything in the world to get those precious moments again.To be a child yet again.Free of responsibilities, free of convoluted thoughts of my own desires.To play whole day and scream around.Doing stupid things but be the reason of smile on everyone’s face.Being loved and pampered.
I have always been in a hurry to grow up and be independent. Being a child I thought I have so many restrictions. Once I grow up I can do anything I want to.I can eat as many chocolates I want, I can play as long as I want and nobody will complaint. But I didn’t know once I grew up there would be no more such desires.Things will change,I will change.My perspective about the world will change.The world earlier was so nice.Everything was a rainbow.But now it’s all Black and White.I am in a jungle of myriad creatures.They all are one species but they all are so different.Each wearing a mask of their own and I don’t know whom to trust and whom to not.Garsh,I can be a child again free of this awareness and knowledge which I have now.To be unconcerned with the internal and external wars of the world and myself.To be innocent enough and adorable.
Oh dear time machine where you are?Take me back..from adulthood to childhood.


Anonymous said...

Although I would have loved to have a time machine to take me back to my childhood , my parents would not be too thrilled to experience the torture of raising me again . I am the one who taught self control to my Dad when he resisted strangling me to death when I set fire to our store room . I taught my Mom the art of placating someone when she run pillar to post to buy a replacement of an very expensive saree for my Grandmom's sister which incidentally I tore to fashion out the string for my rudimentary bow . I taught the act of bribery to my Grandmom when she used to offer me toys so that I get down from the high wall lest I die a rather painful death by falling from it . I taught my Mom patience when she used to run after me incessantly in order to feed me . But as they are ungrateful people as they wholeheartedly protested that I should return to my childhood , even if they loved me.

But if I get a chance I would like to relive all the holidays I had experienced -- Summer/Winter vacations , Durga Pujas and Diwalis ... Oh !! Wait !! I could hear some voices ... What ??? My whole family is letting disappointed groans ... Selfish people they are ;)

Priya said...

he he he...Seems like you have been the perfect child :D Naughty and adorable :) If you ask me right now I would want to be 21 again ;) instead of being a child :P

Anonymous said...

You mean "remain" in 21 :P