Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Pri: (shocked,not knowing what to say) What are you saying?I don’t like these silly jokes of yours sometimes.

Ashish: I am not joking.I am serious.I can’t make you wait for 2 years.And I can’t marry now.

I don’t think I am prepared for it now.I need to settle and build my career.My career is most important to me in my life,you know that.After these two years I would be in a better position in life.Confident to fulfill my dreams and my parents expectations.

Pri: What about “us” Ashish???I can wait for us for an eternity.2 years will pass and we won’t even realize.

Ashish: No Pri.Your family has already started looking for a match and it’s your age to get married.

I don’t want to spoil your life because of me.So,we are breaking up.

Pri: How can you make our decisions alone?And why can’t we be together?(tears welled up in her eyes)

Ashish: Don’t do this.Don’t make it difficult like this.I have decided.

Pri: If you have decided then nothing much is left for me to say.Best of luck for your future Ashu.

Wish you get what you want in life.

Ashish: (Leaves)

Pri: (Still dazed and crying now in her room)

The past two years they spent together just flashed by her mind.Each and every incident,each and every talk.It all just started haunting her.

Priya woke up in morning with swollen eyes.She looked horrible.Ashish didn’t call her after declaring his decision.

She mended herself up and got ready to reach office.She reached office a bit late because she did not want everyone to notice what a wreck she has made of herself.She allowed herself to look calmer and tried to be composed.

Priya was constantly looking at her phone.Waiting for a call that will never come.Every call she received she expected the phone to flash the name she wanted to see,but each time she gained only disappointment .

Finally it was time to leave office.Priya and Ashish used to leave their respective offices nearly at the same time so that they can meet.They used to call before leaving.Today Priya left without calling him.

Once she was at home,her eyes got glued to her phone.Waiting every instant that now her Ashu would call her and tell that I am missing you,want to see you.

But time went by,and so did the night.And her Ashu didn’t call. When her tears abandoned her and she dozed off,she didn’t realize.She woke up again with swollen eyes and looked miserable as ever.Her roommate asked what’s wrong.She said nothing.What can she say?

That her love abandoned her . That he left her as if she never meant anything to him.

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