Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The thing called cold

The weather in Delhi as unpredictable as it is and cherry on cake a person as careless as me result in the deadly combination of cold and cough.So here I am bearing fever due to most common ailment in world common cold.The cold virus was generous enough and I ended up with a very bad sore throat sounding like “Rani Mukherjee” mostly all the time and at others “Usha Utthup’.

The work on weekend aggravated the condition and I ended up coughing like those heroes about to die due to TB in the 1970’s movies.But I noticed something in this crucial and life threatening situation which brought a smile on my face.Each time I cough immediately some other person in ODC will cough(another victim of cold).It becomes a series of coughs,some other person after this and in a span of about a minute everybody silent.Till after a span of 15-20 minutes or bigger span someone breaks the silence and another series of coughing ensues.The cycle repeats each time I cough and I being the person I am couldn’t help but laugh at it.It was amusing enough to move my brain waves a bit higher and make me write this post.

There is certainly some relationship between all the coughees(as I would like to call these special victims of cold).My heart sings “Tera mujhse hai pehle ka naata koi “.I am grateful to the inventors of Vicks(khich khich door bhagaye) who have helped in increasing the period gap between these cycles of cough sessions.And extra thankful for the various flavors they are available in.My taste buds are savoring the Asli Ginger and Menthol flavors alternately and keeping my throat alive however hoarse it may sound but its alive and croaking.Not dead!

Signing off as UAT is going on!And this small post describing my tough times or I should rather say my ramblings have amused me to an extent as such that I feel like working again! :D

O Holy spirit please bless thy throat and help it soothe….Amen!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Life - A desire or an obligation

What is life all about? Is it just about playing,studying,start earning and then get married and bring the next generation to this earth and take care of them and perish one day.Is this what it is?

I used to think life is much more than this.Every misery,every happiness,every occasion has a meaning to it.We need to live there for each other and support our friends,neighbors even help our enemies in case of need and be happy and peaceful.Live and let others live.But what I see around is people have thousands of their own problem at home and they end up gossiping about othr people’s lives,their dress,their appearance.Come on!!!Is this what we are???I have seen that every misery is a misery and it doesn’t makes your life better in anyways…I have seen most of things in life and sometimes I really don’t wish to be here.To be a part of this world.Where people are busy thinking about how to hurt others.Where jealousy and politics have withered relations.Where people talk to other people only to derive some benefit out of it.Not because they are humans and they should be friends.

Its not like everybody is like this.But most people are like that.But sometimes I do feel like that however and whatever it is.I have got a chance to live my life my way..And I should do it my way in spite of how others live their lives..How they are and how much ever they try to hurl you down in life.Make u feel horrible as ever.U have to fight against it all,discover who are your true friends and your true potential and live it as a king.But then this thought also comes that if I know life is going to be like dis and such things will happen and I will do dis or that to encounter it.And I don’t want to have such experiences then what..What if I do not want this life.But I cannot put an end to it.

Is it about losing your desire to live and be happy.But I am happy most of the times.But I think too much.But I can’t put rest to my mind.Really confused.

P.S.: These thoughts are stale now,was a sudden rush of emotions at one time long back.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Prison Break

It was an ordinary day but special for 4 people.4 people who were going to escape from the prison today.Who were going to live there life today amidst the hustle and bustle of the roaring crowd outside the building ,fenced with electric wires around the whole perimeter.

They have been planning for this day since weeks.One day when they will not be bound in secured walls.Rather they will be enjoying the pleasure of the real world outside.Today was the day to their salvation after a long wait.Lets name the prisoned fishes be AM,FN,SK and SS.

AM was skeptical about it,she had her fears that we won’t make it.That we will be caught.But SK and SS were adamant for their freedom and ready to pay any price.FN was an oblivious creature who was OK with everything that came along and if it’s fun,she is always in :P

If everything worked right they were to be free birds anytime between 5.00-5.30 PM.They weren’t escaping in broad daylight.Neither were they escaping in dark.But at the time when sun has decided to take rest and starts its journey back home,creating a charming orange-red pattern in the sky.

AM updated at 2.00 PM.I think it’s not going to work out.I can’t do it.It took lots of efforts by SK to convert the fearful chicken into fearless rooster ;) All was set AM,SK and SS gathered at their meeting place,the cafeteria.But FN was nowhere in picture.Any attempts to reach her were in vain.The clock struck 5.15 PM.It was now or never.They had to go.They tried one last time to reach FN but no response.

AM,SK and SS started off half heartedly without their beloved FN with them.They reached T1 tower nearest to the exit gate and swiped out.Then went out the security gate and bounds of the building where they spend 9.30 hrs and more banging their heads on the screen and fingers on the keyboard.Tired of the long and continuous meetings and ever demanding client and manager.They have been imprisoned in the confines of the office building.AM received a call just at the gate.Manager(HK) calling….Their heartbeats increased.Are they caught??AM pickep up the call and SK and SS hushed their voices.

HK: Take care of your health.Hope to see you early tomorrow in office.The work is to be finished anyhow.

AM: Sure HK.I will finish off the task tomorrow morning but right now my severe headache is taking the toll out of me.

HK:Bye tc.

They all had a sigh of relief.SK escaped saying “Personal emergency,got to go early”

SS: “Working in shift again from 11 PM today”

They had finally broken out of the prison.They were free bird!!!A moment of ecstacy drenched their soul.They had made it.No more issues for today,no more meetings and calls,its just us,our time.They snapped back to reality for the run was useless still.They had to move on.

They saw an auto and stopped it.”Bhaiya,xxxx chaloge kya?We are 4 people need to go to yyyy mall”.

Suddenly SK’s phone sang aloud “Just gonna stand there and watch me burn”

It was FN calling…

SK picked up.

FN: Manager was giving me some tech lessons.Thanks for in total 30 missed calls in last half an hour,he understood something urgent is there and asked me take off if I need to.

SS and AM patted each other on back for the task. They can see FN coming through the gate.She was walking as slow as tortoise.It was irking the nerves of the 3 escapees.

FN finally reached them and they took off for meeting their prince charming.They have been planning for this joint date since so many weeks.Finally they will see ‘Hrithik Roshan’.They have heard he is looking damn sexy in his latest flick ‘ZNMD’ and they didn’t want to miss out the oppurtunity to adore him onscreen.

After effects:

They drooled over him and were mesmerized by his charm.Their salvation achieved.:D

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I have a right to be selfish sometimes

It’s rightly said you can’t keep everyone happy all the time…But why the hell should I?Ain’t I have a responsibility towards my happiness also?What are friends for?For sharing your joy and your sorrow and you share their’s? Right?But then at times they start expecting a lot from you ,well it’s their right but everyone becomes concerned of their own they forget about the person at the other end.The so called friend.How he/she might feel about it?Sometimes you are being taken for granted by your friends,ain’t you?As you have always been there that you will be there but can’t you really not be there just for once because you were too busy with your own problems and life?But then the whole hell breaks loose at the other end and you are being accused of being bad,selfish blah blah blah….So don’t I have a right to be selfish at times?To be busy with my own problems and life?To just forget about everyone else for a timebeing?Sometimes you just need a break…Sometimes you just need to be selfish…Sometimes you just need to give priority to yourself first and then to anyone else.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


I was having a conversation with someone wise and suddenly this question popped up in my mind.What exactly are my rights being an individual? Can I live life as I want to?We all belong to some country and our freedom is mostly curbed except some.For example here in India we have 6 fundamental rights namely:

1. Right to Equality

2. Right to Particular Freedom

3. Cultural and Educational Rights

4. Right to Freedom of Religion

5. Right Against Exploitation and

6. Right to Constitutional Remedies

But do we actually enjoy these rights or I should better frame it as do we actually have these rights in practice?

A country which is so much governed by regionalism/religion/castism where is the right to equality I wonder?

Right to particular freedom implying:

1)Freedom of speech and expression: I question, really do we have this right??

2)To assemble peaceably and without arms: Oh what happened in Baba RamDev’s ashram is known to all!!!

3)To form associations or unions:Ahem ahem

4)To move freely throughout the territory of India: Yes,an example being Non Maharashtrians being pulled out of there,illtreated,telangana example is no less.

5)To reside and settle in any part of the territory of India: Again I would quote the same examples

6)To practise any profession, or to carry on any occupation, trade or business : I agree to this one being practiced at greater levels than any other right.Example our politicians,they carry out the profession of being goons + politician.White clothes and black together,shades of grey I say

As for rest of the rights needless to brag but yes we have cultural and educational rights with still large population being deprived of elementary education and people being treated based on their culture and caste/creed.

We have a right against exploitation.We always manage to increase our patience level to be exploited more each day.

And last but not the least right to constitutional remedies which is being framed by govt for its own benefits and manipulated accordingly.People die and cases go on for zillion of years and the descendants fight to get justice finally to have witnessed none.

I am enjoying my rights…Do you???