Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Life is Beautiful

Life is beautiful.I keep telling this to myself whenever I feel like things are falling apart.That soon everything will fall into place.And things mend up in what seems like a century.You are again smiling,laughing your heart out,seem to be back with a bang and then there are moments when the shadows of the past reincarnate and haunt you.You are so broken and seems like this night will never end perhaps.But no as they say life goes on.You move around in a vicious circle.You move on and try to make present as charming as you always wanted to be.And then you have a meeting with the so called life.Yes,the beautiful life you always dream of.But what actually would my beautiful life be like?Would I want lots of money to afford every luxury I can dream of, or if I am with the love of my life living happily ever after?Is it?But life isn’t fairy tales.Even if you get married to your love it isn’t happily ever after.It takes lots of effort for everything.So you make your life beautiful with your efforts.If you have decided that my life is beautiful then no one can mess with it.It takes courage,determination and not giving up in the hardest of moments,in having the slightest ray of hope in the darkest of times.So,I am going to live my beautiful life which will be with my family and friends,what’s your idea of a beautiful life?

What you think if you have or will have then your life will be beautiful?


Anonymous said...

Hii,,dont know how I dropped in here ,,at your blog ! Well, the way u finished ...prompted me to think , what i have to have to make life beautifull ... just a little while I realised ,Life is alreday beautiful , nd so is mine . Irony starts when we fall pray of this question ..wht else do i need to make life beautiful..?
Yes, it hurts , when things dont work ur way..nd gives u pain.
but u see , pain sometimes, is a feeling which in a way should feel good .like getting b'day bumps... It hurts so much, but the pain is just so addicting.

I guess where I'm getting at is sometimes Pain is a good thing, sometimes you have to "pinch yourself" to make sure your alive , nd then u smile :) , this proves life s beautifull , nd u see the most beautifull nd pleasing things in our life are always free .

- Arvind

Priya said...

Hi Arvind,thanks for dropping by... :)it doesn't matters how :P I totally agree with you...Sorrow is essential to let us know what exactly happiness means...Life is obviously beautiful but people often don't realise that.We ought to smile always and be happy.I make my life and its ought to be good :)

Anonymous said...

Well , Priya , just keep scratching ur brain nd just keep writing , not fr ur readers , not for comments , not for a certain few ,,,but write it just for U .
Next time I shall drop in here , not accidentally but intentionally .

hav a good time ahead ..

Priya said...

Arvind,thanks for these encouraging words,lately I just stopped writing,bt now feel prompted to pick up the pen again...Ur words suggest u r a pretty gud writer,do u hv a blog?can u kindly share the link?I wud love to go thru :)I like reading :)
And wish u and ur family happiness and health too :)

Anonymous said...

Yes/No , I have a blog with just one entry ,,, but still i share ths... (coz u hit me at wrong place , by calling me a gud writer ;)

Anonymous said...

For me life is like holding sand in your tiny fists . The more you hold them , the more they run out through your fingers. Many a times we are so rushed through living life that we forget to live life. One of my friends gave me the life = ice cream analogy ... Eat it or else it will melt . I asked them so if the ice cream melts and run down your hand then don't you lick it off and enjoy the whole experience. Yuvraj Singh in that Revital ad says " Bhaag Daud ki iss zindagi main thakna mana hai " ... I have never hear a more stupid thing than this . Its essential for us to sit back and ponder over some of the events that went by . It is during these musings that you will learn more secrets that all the books combined can possibly teach you.

Priya said...

Hey I have done that exactly many a times,but it comes with times.If I ponder over an event and how I dealt with it a few years back,I find myself quite kiddish and laugh at that period though I cried over that during that time in past.. :D I became a bit more knowledge about life,priorities do keep on changing for sure along with time and with surprises life throws at you :)