Monday, August 1, 2011

Who is responsible for our happiness?

I came across something which made me ponder over this topic.

We all want to be happy in our lives.We want to enjoy and laugh till our last breathe.Nobody wants to suffer and to be in pain.But where does this happiness comes from?How to be happy?

Is it something which we get from outside,material things,from being loved,from being valued and getting whatever we desire?

All our wishes being fulfilled however stupid,irrelvant desires,dreams we have,what if they all come true?Then will we be happy?Or we would want something else then.When we get something we really want,it gives us joy.But for how long.Its always momentarily.

Once its met we dream and desire for something else and find our happiness in acheiving that.

So who is responsible for us to be happy?Is it GOD’s duty to fulfill all our desires?Is it

all the people related to us who should behave and do things in way we want them to and expect them to.What about their needs and their desires?About their individuality?

What I really think is I am responsible for my feelings and my happpiness.

Only me myself can make me feel mad,sad or happy at anytime.Situations,fate,circumstances whatever they may be,however hard they may be,but in the end if i have decided to be happy and smile through them all,then what?

The problems won’t be resolved but there’s no use fretting over them.Time is flying by so quickly.Why should we waste our time being sad,why to waste that precious moment of my life crying over things which I cant help or which can be resolved if I take an action,gather courage to achieve what I want.

Crying and suffering will make us more weak,more irrational.What I would achieve on being sad over illuck or hard times is sympathy,but that’s all your near and dear ones can do.They can sympathise,but will that sympathy make your life better.You may feel better for a while but unless you yourself give an effort and understand that crying doesn’t helps won’t make things better for you.

But if I am responsible for my happiness then why I am not happy always.Though I know everything why I can’t be happy always and avoid being gloomy at times.Avoid feeling pathetic at times.

Who’s responsible for our happiness?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you are not thirsty,
you will never enjoy a glass of water,
If you are not choked,
You will never appreciate the air around you,
If you never bite into a chilli,
you will never savor the taste of honey ...

Similarly when you have not experience defeat , despair and disappointment , how on Earth are you going to appreciate happiness ? I pity those who are born with a silver spoon in their mouth .

And as for being happy for all the time . Its like having too much of something . You will fall sick if somebody is constantly pouring honey down your throat.