Thursday, July 28, 2011

Priya 5

Priya: Tell him,there is no Priya here…(Thinks again)..Errrr!!! Wait..Tell him she is coming…(she decides that she will tell him on face that don’t bother me and I don’t want to talk to you anymore)

Priya goes out…

Ashish smiles on seeing her.He was looking miserable.(Priya wanted to smile too,she was seeing him after so long,how much she had been missing to see that face and now it’s in front of her,she just wanted to go and hug him tight and ask him why he came so late,but she controlled her sudden gust of emotions and came back to reality)

Priya giving him a serious look with no expressions(infact angst)

Ashish: Hi Pri,How are you???What’s happening?Why are you doing all this????

Priya: Ashu you only said you want a breakup and I am doing exactly the same,what you wanted,I am giving it to you without any complaint.What’s your problem now?

(thinking oh Ashu you are looking so miserable,what happened to you,what have you made yourself,why are you doing all this?)

Ashish: I never said that you should stop talking to me.I want us to be friends forever.

Priya: Don’t start this bullshit of friendship again.It is not possible you know.Anything else you want to say.If not then let me tell you.I do not want to talk to you ever again or see your face.Kindly leave me alone.This is the last time you are seeing me.

Ashish:Bakwaas mat kar yr..This ain’t going to happen.I can’t survive without talking to you.You know I have been coming daily and watching that the room in your light is switched off,I have been calling you daily on your old number(shows his call logs)What do you think I am idiot that I am doing so???

Priya: Ashu,don’t do all this.Why are you doing all this if you don’t want me ?One day you will get married to someone else and I to someone else then you will stop talking right?Then why not today?

Ashish: No,I will never stop talking to you ever.

Priya: Stop all this nonsense.I am leaving ,there is no use of this discussion.Because you are still saying the same thing.You want a breakup.If you have decided then I too have decided.Now it’s time that I should also take decisions.You have always taken decisions in our relationship and I said nothing. But today I am going to decide.

Ashish: (Holds her hand and is not letting her go) Give me your new number.

Priya: Forget it.I will never give it to you.I don’t want you to give another chance to hurt me yet again.If you are that firm about your decision why you are doing all this?

Ashish:Please don’t force me to change my decision.

Priya: I am not asking you to do so.I am just telling you my decision.Good bye Ashish.

Ashish: (Still not letting her go,stands in her way and is still holding her hand)

Priya: Ashu don’t create a scene here.I will shout if you won’t leave me.This is it.This was our last meeting and final talk and we are not seeing each other ever again.

Ashish: This is what you want Pri?You want me to die this slow death?I will die yr if you do like this.

Priya: Don’t do this Ashu please.Don’t hurt yourself and me anymore.

Ashish: Pri,I am not able to sleep since so many days.I am not able to concentrate on my work.I just think about you that how you are doing.I know you are hurt and upset and I am not leaving you.I want to be with you as friend.

Priya: Again friend?How can you be a friend to someone you loved,I can’t see you with anyone else.I cannot be and I am clear about it.It will hurt me.

Ashish: I can be just friends nothing more than that.I need you Pri.I can’t live without you.I will die,don’t do this.

Priya: Ashu you are clear regarding what you want and I am clear regarding what I want.So stop all this.It is over.Don’t hurt me or yourself anymore.Just go and let me go.

Ashish: Pri please,I can’t live without you.I am not able to sleep.(Pri looks at his face,he was really looking like he hasn’t slept for days,she felt like holding him and telling him,she is with him always,she only belongs to him but snaps back to reality and life)

Priya: But it is you who has decided for breakup not me Ashu.Just stop it.Leave.

She uncuffs her hands from his hold and rushes to her hostel gate.

Priya is now back to her room and crying her heart out.Ashish was looking so miserable,whatever he was saying is true,he has been suffering.But Priya has been suffering too and he is the one who is causing both to suffer.After so much also he is firm on his decision.But priya has decided that if that is his decision then she is not going to see him or talk to him.

Priya 4

Priya was still engulfed in sadness and started spending more and more time with her friends whom she was not able to give time earlier, to get out of depression and pain.She changed her mobile number and requested her hostel warden that if any guy comes and enquires about her ,tell that she has left the hostel.

She started her life anew.She used to be busy whole day working and chatting with friends who cared.Who understood her and loved her.But at the end of day when she used to return to her room,she will be sad as ever and most of the times she will sleep crying.

After a week,she received a call from her best friend Rashmi.

Rashmi: Hello Pri

Priya: Hi Rashmi,how are you dear?

Rashmi: I just received a call from him and he was asking about you.

Priya: Whom you received a call from?Who was asking about me?

Rashmi: Ashish yr.I don’t know how he got my number ,he just called me.He was asking me where is Priya?He said he went to your hostel and your warden told him you have vacated the hostel.

Priya: What did you say?What did you tell him???(She was nervous)

Rashmi: I told him I just met you in evening and you are in the same hostel.

Priya: Rashmi,tu gadhi hai…why you told him all that?You should have told I don’t know.Anyways,I didn’t tell you about all this.

Rashmi: Hey,he was asking me whether you have changed your number and I told no,your number is same.That I am calling on same number now.You should appreciate me for that.

Priya: Yes dear.I do.Thank you for not giving him my new number.I wonder how he got your number.I never gave him.(Starts crying now) Why the hell he is showing so much concern??If he doesn’t loves me,doesn’t wants me,why the hell he is not leaving me alone.

Rashmi: Dear,stop crying.He is not a good fellow.Don’t waste your tears over him and your life too.He doesn’t deserves you.

Priya: Yes dear.(Not in a position to talk anymore) Ok then …thank you swthrt for not giving my number and sorry for him bothering you like this.Catch you later.I will be having my dinner now.Its 10:30.

After 15 minutes her roommate comes.

Roomy: Pri,I am getting call from Ashish.Its been 3 times he called me.I was busy talking to Sunil(her husband) on phone and I couldn’t pick up.Shall I pick up his phone??

Priya: No.Don’t pick up his call.

Roomy: But he called so many times…I should tell him something.

Priya: No don’t !!! let him call.If you pick up then decide yourself what you want to say.I am not talking to him.(Pri has turned angry(aka devil) and she is very irritated now).She is baffled that why he is doing all this if he doesn’t wants her…What is he trying to prove?

Priya thinking(He came to hostel to ask about me.He must have been trying to call me on old number and that’s why he came.But how he got Rashmi’s number?)

They had a big fight once before and Ashish didn’t eat anything for 2 days.He called her almost 100 times in 3 hours.Priya switched off her mobile and finally Ashish came to her hostel at night and requested her warden to call Priya.She was thinking he would again create a scene.She was right.She knew Ashish well.But what does he wants???

Two more days passed by and now Ashish is not calling any of her friends because he did not get much information from anyone.But he mailed her,Priya opened her gmail and there was a mail from Ashish.

Subject: U idiot

Mail: Where are you stupid girl??Yeh kya nautanki hai?Number change kar liya?Hostel warden is saying you vacated??What is going on??Call me ASAP.

Priya did not reply.Second day again she received an email.

Subject: RE:U idiot

Mail: You were asking to visit that old age home from long.I thought we will go there this weekend.

But you changed your number,vacated the hostel???Not talking to me.If this is what you want then let be it.Don’t blame me.

Priya wondering why he is doing all this?What he wants?

Suddenly a girl in her hostel came to her room.Priya?you are Priya right???

Priya: (thinking why she is asking her name like this,she doesn’t know her,apart from the fact that she lives in same hostel.Finally utters…) Yes,I am Priya

The girl : There is one guy standing downstairs in front of hostel and he is shouting that he wants to talk to Priya.Call Priya he is saying.I was in the balcony.

Priya: (shocked,not knowing what to do,what to reply to her)

Priya 3

She opened the message.It read “ Pri tu hai pari,aakhir kar hi dia tune mujhe bari Thanks Pri”

Her heart cried aloud.She got lost in thoughts,memories to be precise.Ashu used to call her Pari,whenever she will make faces,be angry on him,he will make an innocent face and will say this line “Pri tu hai pari,kar de mujhe bari”.And she would laugh hilariously and forget what the fight was all about.But now her Ashish was saying something else. He wanted her to leave and was thanking her for granting him his wish.For not creating scenes and throwing tantrums over it.She had just let go.

But the message saddened her soul.It kept haunting her,reminding her of those sweet talks and daily night walk till the tea stall.Daily night at 11 they will go for tea together.Ashish never used to drink tea.He was a coffee man But with Pri,he became a tea man Initially when he was not able to express his love and didn’t know how to meet her when he craved for after office.He used to ask her for tea out nearby her hostel.And she always did come.So he had tea daily without fail and he became so addicted he left coffee and even in office had tea 4 times a day.Yeah,love changes people

So,if Ashish loved her so much , why he was leaving her???This question Pri was not able to answer.

Pri became restless and finally gave a call to Ashish,the next day Saturday.

Pri: Hello…(stammering a bit)

Ashu: Hey,hi,how are you?

Pri: Ashu why are you doing all this?(with angst and tears laden eyes)

Ashu: What Pri?

Pri: Why did you called me yesterday???Why did you messaged???

Ashu: Pri I just wanted to know how are you?

Pri: Ashu,you have declared your decision and made my life hell already.What else do you want??If you want to leave me,then just do it.Don’t call me like this or send messages as you sent yesterday.It disturbs me.

Ashu: Pri..listen to me…

Pri: Just understand,don’t call me or message me.Hope it is clear.

Ashu: pri…

Pri: (disconnected the phone)

Ashu calling….She doesn’t picks up.He calls twice more.She doesn’t answers.Message from Ashish.

“Pri don’t do this.Please try to understand me.I care about you.And I won’t be able to live without talking to you.You are my biggest support.My reason for happiness.Why can’t we be just good friends???”

Pri(thinking) Good friends???Bullshit!!!Friendship ..How can I be “just friends”,how can I forget about our love,those talks,those things,is it possible,never for me.It would be like fooling myself on name of friendship and living a fake relationship.He has deteriorated so much.Her Ashish,what happened to him???He wasn’t like this.

Pri calls Ashu..Really furious.She is a devil when she is angry.

Ashu: Hello

Pri: Which language you understand,please let me know.I have told you I do not want you to call me or message me.Why the hell you doing that again then???Just leave me alone if you can’t be with me.Don’t create a hell out of my life anymore.You have done whatever damage you could have,understood???

(Disconnects the phone)

Ashu calling again…

Pri picks up and shouts…DO NOT CALL ME,HAVEN’T I BEEN CLEAR IN WHAT I SAID.I HOPE I WAS. ( Disconnects the phone)

Pri now crying after doing all this crazy stuff.She doesn’t knows what she should do and whether what she has done was correct.But she feels somewhere that its correct.(satisfies herself for her actions)

Priya 2

Priya seemed to be lost most of the times.She became very vulnerable and even small things made her break down and pour her heart out.She started to make herself aloof from all her near and dear ones.She just wanted to grieve and to be alone.She started hating herself for what she was becoming.She knew she was a strong person.

Days passed by and it was Friday soon.Friday,the day when they used to go for dinner together.When they used to spend more time than usual.She came office and left early as she used to every Friday.She reached her hostel early and didn’t know what to do.Whatever she used to do Ashish was a part of it.Whether its buying grocery or clothes.Paying bills or movies.She was feeling pathetic.Suddenly the phone ringed.And the name flashing was Ashu…her Ashu was calling her after 4 days.

She didn’t know what to do.She didn’t pick up.He called again.She picked up.

Ashish: Hello…

Priya: (Speechless,Couldn’t utter a word..)

Ashish: Hello…Pri..You there???

Priya: (Murmered) Hi..(her cheeks are sodden now with tears)

Ashish: So,How are you???

Priya: (After so many days,he is asking me how am I?How I have spent all these days without a word from him..Then he didn’t care,how was I ? )

Ashu,what do you want???

Ashish: Hey,I just called to know how are you???

Priya: ( How am I supposed to be after you left me like this???As if you don’t know how am I???)

Disconnects the phone….(starts crying more and is graveful now)

Phone rings…Ashu calling….She doesn’t picks up.

A message pops up on her mobile screen…Its from Ashish.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Pri: (shocked,not knowing what to say) What are you saying?I don’t like these silly jokes of yours sometimes.

Ashish: I am not joking.I am serious.I can’t make you wait for 2 years.And I can’t marry now.

I don’t think I am prepared for it now.I need to settle and build my career.My career is most important to me in my life,you know that.After these two years I would be in a better position in life.Confident to fulfill my dreams and my parents expectations.

Pri: What about “us” Ashish???I can wait for us for an eternity.2 years will pass and we won’t even realize.

Ashish: No Pri.Your family has already started looking for a match and it’s your age to get married.

I don’t want to spoil your life because of me.So,we are breaking up.

Pri: How can you make our decisions alone?And why can’t we be together?(tears welled up in her eyes)

Ashish: Don’t do this.Don’t make it difficult like this.I have decided.

Pri: If you have decided then nothing much is left for me to say.Best of luck for your future Ashu.

Wish you get what you want in life.

Ashish: (Leaves)

Pri: (Still dazed and crying now in her room)

The past two years they spent together just flashed by her mind.Each and every incident,each and every talk.It all just started haunting her.

Priya woke up in morning with swollen eyes.She looked horrible.Ashish didn’t call her after declaring his decision.

She mended herself up and got ready to reach office.She reached office a bit late because she did not want everyone to notice what a wreck she has made of herself.She allowed herself to look calmer and tried to be composed.

Priya was constantly looking at her phone.Waiting for a call that will never come.Every call she received she expected the phone to flash the name she wanted to see,but each time she gained only disappointment .

Finally it was time to leave office.Priya and Ashish used to leave their respective offices nearly at the same time so that they can meet.They used to call before leaving.Today Priya left without calling him.

Once she was at home,her eyes got glued to her phone.Waiting every instant that now her Ashu would call her and tell that I am missing you,want to see you.

But time went by,and so did the night.And her Ashu didn’t call. When her tears abandoned her and she dozed off,she didn’t realize.She woke up again with swollen eyes and looked miserable as ever.Her roommate asked what’s wrong.She said nothing.What can she say?

That her love abandoned her . That he left her as if she never meant anything to him.


She stood there stunned.Watching him leave.Her whole world crumbled in front of her eyes and she couldn’t do anything.She just watched.He said those words as if they didn’t mean anything,nothing mattered,she didn’t matter anymore.

Ashish called Priya and came to meet her as he daily does.Their day doesn’t completes unless they see each other.Seeing each other after the whole day spent in office used to be the best thing of the day for the two of them.Yes they were in love.Today,Priya could sense something unusual about him.He was not her Ashish.He was hesitating and seemed to be burdened with something.She knew every bit of him.Priya knew Ashish more than he knew himself and she understood what he is feeling and when, without him saying a word.So,she blurted out finally,what’s wrong?Ashish looked away from her eyes and said nothing.

Priya:Oh!Come On!!!Now tell me.

Ashish: Errr..It’s nothing Pri….

Priya: (raising her eyebrow) ..Nothing???

Ashish: K.Pri I want to see you happy.I want all the happiness in the world for you..

Priya: (Still thinking where is it going,looking in his eyes)

Ashish:Pri I am leaving for US for two years.I got an opportunity, you know how much I wanted this.

Priya: (Excited) Wow!!!Tht’s a gr8 news you ullu.Itni nautanki kyun?

I am so happy for you.I know how much it matters to you.Your wish came true.

I need a party,a big one.We are going to celebrate.

Ashish: Pri I want to see you happy in life…

Priya: I am happy you stupid,very happy for you.

Ashish:Pri,you get married and settled with someone else.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Time machine

There have been moments when I have thought “Garsh!!I would have had a time machine and I can go and change some things”.But if you ask me now I wouldn’t want to change many things(few things are always an exception ;).I would like to go back and be a child again.I would love to relive my innocent childhood once more.
I would do anything in the world to get those precious moments again.To be a child yet again.Free of responsibilities, free of convoluted thoughts of my own desires.To play whole day and scream around.Doing stupid things but be the reason of smile on everyone’s face.Being loved and pampered.
I have always been in a hurry to grow up and be independent. Being a child I thought I have so many restrictions. Once I grow up I can do anything I want to.I can eat as many chocolates I want, I can play as long as I want and nobody will complaint. But I didn’t know once I grew up there would be no more such desires.Things will change,I will change.My perspective about the world will change.The world earlier was so nice.Everything was a rainbow.But now it’s all Black and White.I am in a jungle of myriad creatures.They all are one species but they all are so different.Each wearing a mask of their own and I don’t know whom to trust and whom to not.Garsh,I can be a child again free of this awareness and knowledge which I have now.To be unconcerned with the internal and external wars of the world and myself.To be innocent enough and adorable.
Oh dear time machine where you are?Take me back..from adulthood to childhood.