Thursday, December 22, 2011

A Christmas Wish

Dear Santa,
What should I write to you…When you know everything.And if you know everything then why is there so much disappointment?So much pain and so much hurt everywhere around.Why aren’t there smilling and cheerful faces like you around?How can you smile when there is so much wrong going around everywhere.Are you smiling at the irony of it?Or at the foolishness of us humans?

Are the material gifts you give enough to make us forget about everything?For how long do you expect us to be just kids who are happy with toys.Who are unconcerned about the greater realities of life.I can’t do that anymore.I am aware of what’s happening around and I am not content with it.There is this rage,restlessness and bitterness concerning all what is there which should not be.Can you gift me a world where man is not the biggest enemy of another man.Where people understand each other and respect each other,can you take back your gifts of jealousy,hatred and selfishness from mankind?This Christmas can you just make me a small promise that you will make sure that everybody has two times meal to eat ?Just this much dear Santa.
Yours lovingly,


Anonymous said...

Dear Priya,

Talk of a really late request and you are here. I was almost ready to embark on this annual ritual of distributing gifts all over the world. Even if there's time for Christmas Eve , travelling all over the world and distributing all those gifts is no mean task . Thanks to CMMi level 5 efficiency achieved by my elves and my Artic Gale 5000 - the fastest sleigh out there with advanced jet propulsion system - I am able deliver gifts in time for most of the homes during this time of the year. And why not ? Christmas and the New Year happens to be the year of spreading joy everywhere.

You asked me how can I smile around all these unhappiness in the world. Well, I can smile because I am able to fulfill a child's wish and make them happy . Even its a materialistic thing like a toy yet children percieve a lot a joy from it and that gladdens my heart immensely. However the old bones cannot reach everywhere and yes I am not able to put a smile on everybody's face.

Despite all the latest technologies that is at my disposal , there are limitations for me to make everybody happy. But , hey , you can help me a bit . This Christmas , why don't you try cheering somebody up. Believe me it will give you a lot of pleasure doing so.Granted that you cannot reach out everywhere but if you can atleast make people around you smile then I would say its a job well done. A little drop in the ocean you say. Well , ocean is nothing but millions of these tiny drops. Why not become a drop of change ?

On that note I wish you a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.

Santa Claus

Priya said...

u rahul mohanty...caught u :P

Abi M.Pulikeezh said...

Good one...
