Monday, November 28, 2011

Are you addicted to pain?

The drop of tear on her rosy cheek glistened like dew drop on a green leaf in a foggy morning

That’s how enchanting pain is.It allures you and then defies your rational instincts and makes you its slave.
Sometimes you are just happy being in pain,it’s like a drug that keeps you going…
So are you addicted?If yes,then wake up life is too short to be sad…Its passing by in every single second,laugh and make others laugh.Live in the present and don’t sit and brood under the shadows of past…Life’s calling…Are you listening???


Anonymous said...

Yes , U feel the pain , because u want to feel it , its always ur choice .
Nicely written !

Anonymous said...

What I feel that popular culture has always advocated the feeling of pain . Countless songs are nothing but ode to that scrunchy feeling of tightness in our heart whenever we think of our "cause" of suffering . Chances are that it could be the silent yearning of attention from the object of our affection . It could be also the defeated feeling we have after somebody spurned our advances . It all happens because when we see it seems alluring . But when we feel it there starts an endless loop of playing "Phir Mohabbat" on your music player , not caring when you had your last meal , sleepless nights and walking around aimlessly.

Anonymous said...

See , we dont know each other , bt dont mind , I tell u smething .

U think u moved on , but u never did , as unconsciously u never wanted too.

Priya said...

So many anonymous here... Will start with the first...
Yes you are right.we are responsible for what we feel,nobody can make us feel happy or sad without our consent.

Man u do talk a lot and its nice talking all along...Can I have ur blog address too?

he he he...rightly said.People live in their past wantedly and its always ur choice what u wnt..happiness or sadness :P

And last but not the least if any of u is Arvind then plz accept my apology tht I didnt send tht email,was a bit skeptical trusting a total stranger :)

Anonymous said...

@Author : I am more of an eternal lurker trying to observe and understand things . Only when something compels me to comment , I take the plunge , that too behind a veil. So I do not have a proper blog and all . Writing , I believe is something that must left to the talented ones . The canvas of web is already adorned with such gems from you . Why should we disfigure it with our humble offerings ?

Priya said...

Ha...So u won't admit that you are an eloquent writer.Even if I collect all your comments on my blog it will become a worth read and a blog can be carved out of it :P..One thing is surely true you want to be behind the veil and enjoy the show :P Dont be so khadoos and miser and let the world enlighten by ur humble offerings..U r gifted to write I say...I can just request you to show me the doorway(ur blog link) to enlightenment ... ;)

Anonymous said...

"One thing is surely true you want to be behind the veil and enjoy the show"

Gulity as charged :)

Priya said...

Guilty..I knew it all along :) So let me cook up a punishment for the criminal who attempted this horrendous crime in broad daylight :P Mmmm,well what about letting my brain waves wander a bit for coming up with that? The decision of the court is pending till thn.Court adjourned for today :D

Priya said...

After churning out my brain for last one minute I came with the perfect punishment for the accused.The accused needs to tell one of his biggest fear in life and one moment of great significance.So u will be behind the veil and still I will hv some insight ;) :P

Anonymous said...

I need to consult my lawyer before I answer this question . He has recently signed up for the next mission to Mars and would not be coming back for the next 10-15 years . I guess we have to wait till then . What ?? I need to answer it right away . Aye .. Aye Madam!!

Greatest fear : Believe it or not one of my greatest fear is a visit to dentist . I do not get easily scared , but when I see that mini drill thingy in his gloved hand , I am totally mortified . When I had a root canal surgery , I was not really excited to have a sharp object revolving at high speed in my mouth . I often visualized a grotesque death if by any chance the dentist sneezes while operating on my teeth .

P.S. I have deliberately left out details (on what happened if he sneezes) in order not to get you reacquainted with your last meal you had.

Greatest moment of significance : One of the hardest things I have encountered is to impress my father .We used to have parent-teacher's association in our school where parents get to evaluate our answer sheets. Most of the times , parents used to haggle with teachers on why their wards did not get higher marks on some answers. My father on the other hand used to reduce my marks where he felt that I was awarded more than what I deserved . I used to dread his presence in these PTA . Anyways , the moment of reckoning came during one such PTA where he was reading one of my essay quite intently . I got 18 out of 20 in the essay titled "Religion must be kept out of Politics" . But in my head I was thinking "Bachoo!! Its your Papa ...Get ready for some reality check" . After reading the essay , he handed that essay to a fellow parent he knew and said these words " Do you really think this essay was written by a Class 9 student ? " I was confused , but he clarified " If I would have wrote that essay , I would have been mighty proud of myself " . That was the most significant moment of my life .

There ... You have it - Greatest fear and Greatest moment of significance.

Anonymous said...

But there was both one great moment of significance and a moment of great fear in one night . I would not like to discuss it . But it totally changed my attitude towards my life and I have started to respect it a lot more.

P.S. : However it does not changes my fear for drills in mouth and I still relish that praise from my Father.

Priya said...

First of all thank you Anonymous for sharing your greatest moment of fear and of significance... :)U knw when u talked abt ur greatest moment of significance and said hardest thing is impressing your father.Well I can't agree more...He always keeps telling my drawbacks and I used 2 feel am I tht good for nothing tht he doesn't finds anything good in me...Everybody else thinks I do well y not him..Bt in one of the moments I realised he actually does acknowledges and is proud of it...Bt guess fathers r like dis.. :)And you know wat else...Ur father is right..U write really well... :) As for ur moment of greatest fear..well I hv never been to a dentist for getting my tooth drilled...he he i hv heard a lot tht how mch it I can relate to your fear :P Its amusing ;)

Priya said...

So well now will I get a glimpse of your blog or anything u hv scribbled?I really like your writing a lot and want to learn and improve... :)

Anonymous said...

When I said that I do not have a proper blog , I was dead serious . If I really had a blog I would have directed you towards it because its very improper and rude to turn down your requests time after time . I do not want to be such a - to quote your words - "khadoos" . Call it procrastination or my inability to write quality posts but somehow I have never churned out a blog out of my thoughts .

Priya said...

Ok...coool..I didn't mean to offend u :) Bt u write really well and u shud write...thts wat I will say...if u r nt doing it thn u can start... depending on ur interest in it ,its ur will and passion in the end :)It was nice knowing u Anonymous... if only I knew the person behing the veil :P :D Take care :)

Anonymous said...

Well you can always find me on your comments thread . And no I am not offended .