Monday, October 3, 2011

A conversation with myself

All of us are sane (though I am a bit skeptical about it :P).Everybody has a little bit of insanity that’s why we are able to enjoy and live through life’s drama (the so called roller coaster ride I say).This whole idea of insanity is introduced in the beginning to make more sense to what I am going to say next.There are times when we talk to ourselves(sounds so insane,rite???), but yes we often talk to ourselves else I guess I am the only insane here. ;)  Some do it silently not even a little hush hush here or there and some do that loudly and are laughed at.At times when the wind hits hard,we try to console our inner selves saying everything will be alright soon.Sometimes we do the opposite,we cry within that why it always happens with me?Why me only?We keep on blaming fate,GOD,destiny and people around us. We talk to ourselves at those times. Today when I had this conversation with myself, I said to myself no matter whatever happens it will be good,it ought to be good,its not the end,its just the beginning of another phase.
So what have you said to yourself recently???


Aarti said...

u are right Priya...
I must say that Every current instance is linked to the future happening...and it happens so naturally that we never understans at that point of time...Sometime we understand all the happenings after so many years....

Priya said...

Wow dear,so rightly said...U r no less a writer urself swty :)

Anonymous said...

Its Really true:)nice post

Anonymous said...

A person talks to itself the most . Not everyone is a patient listener to all our innermost desires/pains/little joys . Hell if we start quoting everything we thought people will think that we are raving lunatics. Most of the times I am guilty of weaving the most incredible scenarios where I am the sole protagonist complete with songs and dialogues that would put melodramatic Bollywood offerings to shame. And yet these creations have only one faithful audience - moi , myself and me . What I feel that we must be a child at heart where we can safely talk to ourselves because only then we can pry open those closed boundaries of our horizons and see what's beyond . Believe me the make believe world out there is truly beautiful where there is space for you and you only. And that can only happen when you talk to yourself.

Priya said...

Yup true it is... and you do sure talk a lot to yourself :)That world can never be invaded and you can be whatever you wish to..You can think and imagine whatver u want to..U can be in numerous hypothetical situation and u knw what you will do in each situation.. :D Crazy!!! :P