Monday, September 5, 2011


Do you believe in destiny?If yes,then is the intense pain we go through,those moments of ecstasy are already defined?Written out there,somewhere ????And we are just mere creatures playing the parts of this drama which is been scripted long ago. Long ago when we didn’t even have the slightest idea of what life really is? (** Oh this reminds me of As you Like It**) Sometimes we put our whole soul for achieving something and in the end to our sheer disappointment we end up empty handed.Just because we were not destined for it?Come on!!! What about try again and again until you succeed?Failures have never stopped the achievers(take Edison for example).And then there are something’s which we never even dreamed of and it seems like a fairytale and we can’t find ourselves lucky enough to get it so easily.And then people say again(and again and …) because you were destined for this.So what exactly is this destiny doing in our lives??If everything is already defined then why am I doing anything?If I was destined to be an engineer then even if I would have not went for schooling or higher education in a country like India would I have ended up being one?People say you need to work to achieve your destiny..Oh really???If I need to work to achieve my destiny then why not I get what I desire whole heartedly and work hard for and wish for?Why we keep on blaming things to destiny,just because it makes us feel lighter?And if I am really “destined” for something which I don’t know how can I work towards it?Whatever I do or I don’t do I should reach close to my destiny.Isn’t it???If your love is successful then everybody says you two were destined for each other and if not then you two were not destined to be together.Destined???Ahan!!! Its all a part of life,its so uncertain,you don’t know what will happen next second.But one thing is for sure,your actions and your decisions shape your destiny(oops,did I just say destiny ??? I meant your life ;) ).


Anonymous said...

I wanted to share three words with you -- Spoilers , Improvisations and Cues . All are somewhat related to the theater world as you have chosen that as a theme in this particular musing of yours. Whenever you went to see a movie , if by any chance you know the whole plot then the whole experience is somewhat spoiled. So if I knew what Andy Dufresne managed to do in the end in The Shawshank Redemption then I would not exactly thrilled after watching it. So even if your life is scripted by the Scriptwriter sitting above then ...well He/She never bothered to give away the plot for you so that the whole part you play is completely original for you and you get to experience its quirkiness. Secondly we have improvisations . This is something all good actors do when they see that a scene is not so spectacular if they do not take charge and give their own personal touch. These small things contribute in a big way in giving a legendary status to an otherwise simple scene. Life will always plod on if you do not have your own "contributions". The Maker has always given you the artistic license to change your life into something spectacular. Use it. Then we have Cues . Cues are those small things that prod actors and crew on stage for the next scene . Its like a prompter that says something about the next scene. It is invisible to the plain audience so that their movie watching experience is not hampered. However it is important for an actor not to miss out on these cues to give a flawless performance. Just like that God has set up cues in your life to help you take the right decisions . You have to just figure them out and act accordingly. That's how what I feel "Destiny" works out according to our whims and yes only our efforts shape our own "Destiny".

Priya said...

Wow that was something.I loved the way you described.U do write and write a lot.And I just love reading what you say.Thanks for dropping by and you know what also for sharing your views because they matter.Uptil sometime ago I was writhing in pain and couldn't fathom why,I just was...And then I logged in as usual and read whatever you said and you rejuvinated my spirits yet again.Its a pleasure to hear from you.

Anonymous said...

@Author : You are welcome