Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sheila ki jawani

She is Sheila.She wakes up early morning at 5 daily and cleans the house.At one time she has lived in that small house with 8 other siblings.Its shabby and has a thatched roof which leaks occasionally in rainy season. Sheila has seen 10 winters of her life till now and she is happy.

She has small dreams and desires.Whenever she sees girls dressed up in uniforms with books in their hand and all adorned with red ribbons she feels like to be same.The world is flat for Sheila as she never got a chance to go to school and learn that earth is actually round.She still ponders over why the sky is blue and why night falls and how morning sun daily rises to end the dark night.She doesn’t knows she lives in India ,she only knows that she belongs to this slum “Gehrao”which has been the only place she has ever seen in her life.

She has 2 younger brothers who go to the nearby govt school and they have a uniform too.She has 6 elder sisters which are all now married.Her elder sister Munni was married at the age of 13 two years back.Her Mom keeps telling her that she should start learning household chores because now soon she will be married.She should be ready to serve her husband.Cook for him,clean his house,his clothes.

This is the reality of many more sheila’s in our country India still.However educated or well placed we are,we are still a part of this country where Sheila is living such a life.We know her but we can only talk about it,criticize politics,people and society and forget it at end of day.But we can never change her world.Can we?

Friday, May 18, 2012

Raat akeli hai

It was a dark stormy night,the winds blew so hard that trees rocked and windows and doors knocked from every nook and corner of the house.But she was sitting in her drawing room,on her favourite chair with a book as still as a statue,lost in her own world.As if the storm outside doesn’t exists at all.As if life was as still as a rock.Jimmy her beloved pet was running around the house barking aloud till an hour ago.But finally he too sat beside her silent and blissfully asleep in a few minutes.They were unaware of that violent storm rocking the terrain.She has faced storms much bigger than this in her life and GOD has it dittered her anyway!!!She was a strong and determined person.

The howling sound of the wind outside created a errie,creepy atmosphere,a ghostly smell haunted the houses that day.Suddenly there was a knock on the door.She wasn’t expecting anyone and was surprised and thought it may be the wind.But the door knocked again and then yet again and again and again….She deserted her comfy occupancy and headed toward the door.She opened the gate and there was a stranger.A young man of around 24,he was rather good looking,had jet black hair neatly combed and a nice hairstyle..He wore a black informal jacket over a cream shirt and jeans and had a muffler around his neck.

The stranger mumbled : ‘Hi! I am Satvik’.I was travelling and got stuck in the storm,this was the only house I got to see in the long way.Can you kindly provide me shelter for tonight or till the storm calms down?

Old lady(She): Young man,it’s not good to travel in such weather,many people have lost their lives,jawani ka josh!!!Uff…Aajkal ke bache…(Young blood!!!Today’s children…)

Come on in…

Satvik: Thank you amma.Can I call you amma?

She: (smile ran through her wrinkled face): Sure my dear…So where are you from and what were you doing travelling in such weather.Didn’t you listen to the news,its going to get worse..

Satvik: Had some urgent business trip nearby.I thought I will be able to make it in time but it got delayed and I got stuck.Anyways,its weird you stay in such a deserted place all alone.Aren’t you afraid?

She: ha ha ha(that laugh made a shiver run through Satvik’s body) It was a shriek,horrendous laugh …

The biggest fear for a human is another human.I like it here.I have been here since long.Very long.

Satvik: How long have you been here amma?

She: 250 years…and her eyes started glowing, a red light emanated from them and she laughed that horrendous laugh yet again….

Satvik(surroundings getting dizzy) (the horrendous laugh echoing)

He fainted :D

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Zip it up!

I opened the google page and found this image once:

Yes it was the 132nd birthday of the inventor of zip Gideon Sundback’s.How important this small little invention is I wonder.It made its entry as a google page right.So I was just stipulating how non trivial this seemingly petty thing actually is.

Imagine a world without zips.he he he. What can be the alternatives huh? Buttons…Imagine buttoning it up instead of zipping it up! ;) :D Quite tedious a task it will be :D

We have zips in our pants,purses,bags,jackets.How would life be without zips?What great difference it will make.Until it wasn’t there we managed and did well right?We can design bags without zips,pants and purses without them.It is an invention which might be small but has made our lives much easier.

I wonder if there can be a zip which can bring together people,irrespective of their race,caste and religion.Oh,the philo me is trying to take over.Keeping it aside,on another thought,what strikes my mind is : the 1700-1800’s were filled with inventions.Whatever comforts we are enjoying today are the results of those inventions by our ancestors or forefathers,whether it was the bicyle,car,telephone,airplanes.Now we have become so busy in enjoying those comforts that the zeal of inventing seems to have had a setback.Whatever new inventions are there it’s in computers and we are doing remarkably well in medicines.But what about other such small inventions which though seem trivial will affect human life in great ways.We have become a sluggish,lazy race of people and are not utilizing our intriguing human minds to invent and discover the way our forefathers did.The C.V.Raman’s and Hargobind Khurana’s have stopped being manufactured now?No they aren’t but it just that they are not willing to go that extra mile and discopver their true potentials because we are living much comfortable life as compared to our ancestors owing to the flood of inventions and discoveries in a particular period.

So whenever you zip it up,remember that we also have the potential which can be known if we harness ourselves and discover ourselves .I know most of us would like to just enjoy life and its comforts and leave the task to the few crazy people out there(me too!). It’s such an addiction to let go after being brought up the way we have been.

I feel delighted now after spilling over my random and varying thoughts.Adios!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

There is no sugar in my coffee

Dear GOD,

Thank you for blessing me with whatever I have today and most importantly life.You provided me with everything ,but you know what “You forgot to put sugar in my coffee(life)”.Hell yeah,you did,just double check and you will find how tasteless,bitter and sugarless my coffee has turned out to be.You may be omnipotent,omnisicient and omnipresent but you failed to be a good creator(chef) and a good manager despite these qualities.

Yes,I can very well say so while sipping this tasteless and sugarless coffee,and hey you know what I am not even having diabetes so please don’t say that you did it knowingly to save me.And yes,please save the so called lesson that I need to have the tasteless coffee to know how a tasty and sugary coffee tastes likes.As you can see,’I already know this’. I know the fact how a coffee without sugar tastes hence I complaint about my coffee missing the sugar.I think you are smart enough to understand that.

Often I will find myself bemused with situations as such.And then your disciples will start the chant of ‘Whatever happens it’s for good’.And then with the blessed mind of a mere human with no ‘superpowers’ we try to reason ourselves and finally convince ourselves that yes that was the best thing that could have happened though it may have been the worst of all.We use our only superpower ‘the human mind’ in trying to justify your existence and proving that whatever calamity may befall you will thwart it off our lives.And if we are still suffering then it’s for my own good.

Well I hereby declare my prudent belief about you,’”You are nothing but a manifestation of the human mind itself”.We pray to you but in doing so we are trying to make ourselves stronger to face our day to day and not so day to day problems.As a generous being we credit you for all the ‘good’ things that happen and thank you and ‘bad’ things are because of our previous ‘karmas’ of which I am not aware of nor will ever be able to acknowledge the same.So my dear imaginary friend thank you for the coffee without the sugar.

At least I have the coffee and I am still wondering why do I have it?The only thing I can do is sip it and enjoy. My coffee is not having any sugar,and I don’t like it that way.Now I am going to put some sugar on my own as I always do and you can enjoy yourself being an eternal invisible spectator who is rumored to be running a puppet show here.