Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Love Ki MB1

Love …An incomprehensible feeling that takes over your mind,body and soul and changes you in a manner that you are never the same.Sab chemical locha hai bhai…Hormonal discrepancy,at a certain age your hormones go mad and decide to play a trick with your whole system inside and out to give you a glimpse of afterlife (heaven and hell here right on earth!!!).And slowly and steadily after a certain age they calm down come back to normal,jawani ka josh,sab thanda and you realise what life is and what truly love is.You may have felt that the other person is the only thing you would ever want in your whole life and if you are together then the whole world is yours.But time teaches you the lesson.that you can fall in love anywhere,anytime or should I say any number of times…  :D Whenever it does happens it messes up badly with your whole being.Raaton ki neend,din ka chaen,yess those sleepless nights !!! Your perspective towards everything and everyone.Everything just changes.But still you enjoy being devastated like this.Yess,that’s what love is chemical lafda.If you are suffering from any of these symptoms i.e. lost in thoughts of someone anywhere and anytime ,sleepless nights,a sudden liking towards romantic movies and songs,becoming compassionate even towards your enemies..Then certainly the chemical wiring of your body has had a short circuit somewhere and it needs repairing before you get a big shock.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Are you addicted to pain?

The drop of tear on her rosy cheek glistened like dew drop on a green leaf in a foggy morning

That’s how enchanting pain is.It allures you and then defies your rational instincts and makes you its slave.
Sometimes you are just happy being in pain,it’s like a drug that keeps you going…
So are you addicted?If yes,then wake up life is too short to be sad…Its passing by in every single second,laugh and make others laugh.Live in the present and don’t sit and brood under the shadows of past…Life’s calling…Are you listening???

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Tear and a Smile

A tear trickled down her cheeks.But this tear was special,not of sadness or pain but of the staggering joy overflowing her heart and soul.Life is mysterious and full of surprises.She had seen life from close quarters and knows how much true it really is.Just when she has given up all hopes a ray glistened and enlightened her world.She was all shattered,broken and was drifting on dark and unknown roads of her life and found herself so lost and just then she found a path in front of her,bright and filled with flowers leading to her dreams.It was as if GOD has finally decided to end her misery and the puzzle is solved.All the scattered pieces can now be related.
Each and every incident was a part of a game plan framed by none other than HE himself.As Shakespeare has said “Life’s a stage and we are meagre puppets”. After Kushal  her dearest husband met that horrific tragedy and left her alone at a young age of 24 after 3 months of marriage,she became lifeless.She often cursed GOD why she didn’t die along with him,why she survived the car accident,why why why???? She found life purposeless.She was a practical soul,always had a solution for every problem.But life itself became her problem.Kushal’s words were echoing in her soul…”I will never leave you,I will always be with you…Just close your eyes and think of me and I will be there “and so it was always.When he was alive and even when he went to heaven.
She used to spend days thinking of them…Whenever she used to close her eyes,she saw him,felt his breath,his smell,his voice….She used to sit at sofa,bed or floor like a statue for hours with no idea of time…Just lost in thoughts,their thoughts and dreams which they have knit in the past few months after their marriage.The best 3 months of her life.Kushal was not only her husband but her soulmate.As they often say “Made for each other”,it was so true for them.
Life came at hault.Until today…Kavya now had a reason to live and life wasn’t  a compulsion anymore.She felt like Kushal is with her again,he kept his promise.She still couldn’t forget that moment when she came to know of it.Now another life was crawling,shaping and dreaming within her.Yes,she was going to be a “Mother”.Her Kushal was with her,the fruit of her hopes,love,pain,sufferings will soon be ripened.True love never dies…Never….She came out of the hospital room with her reports and her life…A truck with a banner was passing by…It read…
"Life never ends,it just transforms”